Monthly Archives: December 2015

33 weeks


Well it’s midnight here, so I can officially say I’m 33 weeks pregnant lol. Today (yesterday?) I had an ultrasound and OB appointment. The parents came over as usual, and it was great to catch up with them. This time they brought their daughter… Who has only just found out about the baby! They told her on Christmas 💗 They sent me a video of the big reveal, but I can’t repost it. They had her look under the Christmas tree for a gift. Inside a gift bag she found a pink soother. She looked at it and said “it’s cute” lol. They asked her if she thought it meant something and she said “my soother!” And popped it in her mouth haha. She’s 6, I might add. And then her mom told her that she has a baby sister coming, and she started jumping up and down and screaming in excitement. It was truly the most amazing thing to see. Moments like this are why I became a surrogate 💗 So anyway, tody was the first time Big Sis had seen me both since I was showing, and since she found out about the baby. She was super shy, and wouldn’t touch my belly to feel her sister moving, despite her mom’s best efforts to get her to. I think she was overwhelmed. My IPs tried to get the hospital staff to allow Big Sis to come in and see the baby on ultrasound, but unfortunately, they would not budge on the policy, and she ended up having to wait outside. Baby girl is doing great though. Still measuring huge at 5lbs 4oz already. She looks as healthy as can be, and the pregnancy is progressing perfectly. The OB that we saw today was wonderful. She confirmed that we are going to induce at 38 weeks on Feb 4, 2016. This is mostly due to the fact that there is an unexplained stillbirth in the parents history, but also because she is going to be BIG! And for the parents peace of mind – they have been through so much to get here, they will not be okay until this baby is safely in their arms. The birth photographer that the parents have chosen also met us at the hospital today. It was great to meet her, and talk over a few expectations – mostly to ensure that we don’t end up with a bunch of super graphic pics of me that the parents are stuck with for life lol. She seems like a nice woman, and I can’t wait to see the pics when all is said and done!

I am having a hard time believing that I’m really almost done cooking this baby. 33 weeks today, and I still feel good! I don’t feel overly massive, I’m not super uncomfortable. I do wake up 10 times a night to pee haha, and heartburn has been tearing it’s head lately, but all in all, it’s been an easy pregnancy. I’m not sure I’m ready to have this journey end so soon. But I can’t wait to see this baby in her parents arms. 💞

In non pregnancy related news, my son got his cast off today. He’s terrified to use his arm, and insists it still hurts, but the doctor says it is okay. It’s still very crooked though, and it worries me.

  Me at 33 weeks pregnant.
  Braeden’s arm, 3 weeks post break on the left, 6 weeks post break on the right.
The Baker.

Back in action, gender reveal and more!

First I just want to apologize. I’ve been having trouble getting onto the blog, and haven’t been able to update for quite some time. Every time I tried to log in, the site kept crashing on me. 

Lots has happened since I last updated. At my doctors appointment in mid November my belly was measuring a whopping 6 weeks ahead! I won’t deny I was feeling a little apprehensive about how big this baby might be! I had another ultrasound on November 30, and had a great time seeing my IPs. I just love spending time with them! We weren’t able to get any good pictures of baby at that ultrasound, as it had its face stuffed into the placenta. But we did get some very interesting visuals. We could see that the baby was sucking, even see its tongue moving. But rather than sucking on a thumb or a fist, it seemed to be sucking directly on the placenta! The ultrasound technician was fascinated. She said she had never seen a baby do that before. She also showed us the baby’s teeth buds. Baby – now nicknamed Cherub as it’s too big to be an Emby anymore, is indeed measuring big – but only by about 2 weeks, not 6. Cherub is also head down now.

I’ve had one more doctors appointment since then, and everything is still looking great. Blood pressure is great, belly is measuring 4 weeks ahead instead of 6. Gestational diabetes scan can back negative too. So yes, baby is measuring big, but that’s just genetics, not diabetes. 

So all along, the IPs have chosen not to know the baby’s gender. This Sunday I got a big surprise when I received an email from the geneticist who had done our Harmony test way back in the first trimester. IM had emailed her to ask about the baby’s gender! Because the blood test had been performed on me, I had to authorize the release of the information – which is pretty silly considering that it’s THEIR baby! Of course I said yes immediately. IM called me shortly after, soooooo excited! She had opened the email, to discover that she is going to have a baby….. Girl!!!💞💞💞💞 I don’t think she could have been happier. A girl was exactly what she wanted! IF did not know yet. She was trying to surprise him 🙂 last night she put a pink soother in a box with a note from Cherub and had him open it. So now they both know, and everyone is thrilled! They haven’t told their daughter about the baby yet… But that is coming soon 🙂

I think that’s about all the pregnancy related news. Non-pregnancy wise, my middle child, Braeden broke his arm on November 19. Another kid at school pushed him off the playground, and he snapped both bones in his left forearm – which of course is his dominate arm. He had to have it surgically reset, and has been in a full cast up to his armpit ever since. We go back to the cast clinic for his next check up on Dec 30. Incidentally, sleeping in those little pull out hospital chairs is never exactly comfortable. Sleeping in one at 6 months pregnant is less so!

So that’s all for now. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

The Baker