Monthly Archives: July 2015

10 and a half weeks!

Today marks 10 weeks and 4 days pregnant. So far this pregnancy has been a total breeze! I’ve had very little morning sickness, especially since I discovered that if I eat half an hour before I take meds, that really, really helps. If I forget and take the meds first I get super nauseated. Some evenings I am a bit nauseous too, but most days I am totally fine, all day long. I barely even feel pregnant. It’s a nice change from my pregnancies with my own kids, when I had terrible, all day sickness, that lasted most of the whole 9 months! I am still cautious – my doctor thought that the reason I was so sick last time was actually from the heartburn, so there is still plenty of time for it to come on. But so far I’ve barely noticed any heart burn either, which is amazing too, because it started at 8 weeks with Braeden and 6 weeks with Caitlyn. The biggest pregnancy symptom I am having these days is HUNGER! I feel like a hobbit – I could happily eat breakfast, second breakfast, elevensies, lunch, etc. I can go from being full to being insanely hungry in about 5 seconds flat. The intense exhaustion I was feeling for the last few weeks has started to fade. I’m still tired, and would be thrilled to get a daily nap lol, but the bone-crushing exhaustion has stayed away for a few days. 

My belly is starting to grow – insanely fast, actually! But of course, it’s still mostly flab.  Here I am looking insanely huge after eating too much supper!

I’ve got my own fetal Doppler now, for both my own and IM’s reassurance. I’ve been able to reliably pick up the heartbeat every day since 9 weeks, although sometimes it takes some hunting. Most of the time I can hear my own heartbeat loud and clear, but have a hard time hearing the baby’s heartbeat, although the numbers on the display show that the machine is picking it up. My heartbeat should be between 60-90, and baby’s should be 120-180. Most of the time the Doppler seems to pick up a mix of the two beats and reads between 100-125, but you can clearly hear my heart. Then for a few seconds I’ll get a reading between 140-165, and I know that even though I still hear my slower heartbeat, the machine is reading the baby. Tonight I could clearly hear the much faster pulsing of the baby’s heartbeat, although the monitor still mostly showed a mix of the heartbeats between 110-135, or sometimes showed nothing at all. Here’s a quick little video!

Oh, and the last bit of exciting news, we are almost done meds! I have 4 doses left of the Crinone and estrace, which is a 2 day supply, and then I am off meds! The placenta should be nice and well developed enough now to take over producing the hormones needed to sustain the pregnancy now. 

So that’s my update. 10 and a half weeks down, 29-30 left to go! We are already a quarter of the way there!

The Baker

9 weeks down, 31 to go!

Today I am 9 weeks pregnant. Today marks the day that Emby is officially no longer an embryo, but a fetus. S/he is the size of a green olive… And tonight I found the heartbeat on a Sonolone B doppler!  

 It’s not the best recording – in fact, I had the heart beat registering in the 140’s, ranging from 144-149 for a good 10 seconds, but when I hit record I must have jiggled the probe and lost it. But there’s no doubt about it, Emby is growing away! Mostly I am feeling pretty good. I have had a lot more nausea lately, but very little actual vomiting, and the nausea doesn’t last too long. My boobs are sore, and I am oh so tired. Like can’t remember ever being this tired in my life kind of tired. But that’s a great sign, so I will take it! IM has asked me to start eating organic, so I will be making sure to buy a little differently on my next shopping trip. Not much else going on right now. Good night 😊

The Baker

Beautiful Heartbeat

Today was our long awaited ultrasound. At first I didn’t see a thing, which scared me, but then the doctor explained that he was checking my ovaries and Fallopian tubes first to rule out an ectopic pregnancy. Then he finally got around to my uterus, and we saw this sweet little Emby:

And a beautiful little heartbeat of 146 💓💓💓  the doctor took a quick peek around to make sure there wasn’t a twin hiding somewhere (there’s not). Emby is measuring at 7 weeks and 1 day, which is a little behind, but the doctor said that at this stage they are talking about being off by a fraction of a millimetre, and it’s almost impossible to get an accurate reading. He is not the least bit concerned. 

My IPs would like to do all the available screening and genetic tests, so I will be heading back to Vancouver again on Aug 7 for more bloodwork and another ultrasound. In the meantime, I have an appointment with my own doctor on Friday.

I am feeling pretty good right now. I get nauseous briefly in the mornings, and for a couple of hours each evening, but I’m not throwing up yet. And I’m tired. Really, really tired. But on the whole, I feel good. I am so happy for my IPs, and I can’t wait until they get to hold their precious little bundle!

The Baker

Morning? Sickness 

I don’t have morning sickness… I have evening sickness! While some mornings I am a bit nauseous, most mornings I am perfectly fine. But sometime in the afternoon, the nausea comes creeping in, and by the time I have to make supper, the idea of food makes me want to run away! No puking yet though, just nausea, which isn’t half bad. Honestly, I really don’t mind the nausea either, it just lets me know that Emby is nice and snug and growing in there. I am 7 weeks pregnant today, and Emby should be the size of a blueberry! We have our ultrasound coming up in 5 days on Monday July 6, and I can’t wait! I’m going to head over to Vancouver the day before the ultrasound with my kidlets. We’re planning to hit Science World and Chuck E Cheese on Sunday. Damion’s (my 14 year old) siblings from his dad are going to meet us at Chuck E Cheese. Then Monday we have the ultrasound, and then I’m thinking we’ll try to hit the waterslides before it’s time to head back home. It’ll be a fun couple of days.

Happy Canada Day to you all!

The Baker