Monthly Archives: June 2015

POAS addiction…

Hi, I am The Baker, and I am addicted to Peeing On A Stick… I just love seeing that line darken, and I wanted to see that magical 3+. Here it is!


The test line is so dark now that it’s stolen almost all the color from the control line.

Not much else going on to report. I’m experiencing definite nausea every morning and evening, but other than one regrettable incident when I puked in the daycare parking lot (sorry!) I haven’t been throwing up. Other than the mild nausea (that unfortunately lasts for hours) and the fact that I am super tired, I can barely tell I’m pregnant. I can’t wait for the ultrasound on July 6!  I think seeing that little flickering heartbeat will really bring it home for my IPS 💗💗💗

Anyway, off to bed for now, I am exhausted! Goodnight All.

The Baker

Officially Pregnant

Betas are back and it’s officially official! I am definitely Pregnant. This baby is a-growing. It has been a couple of very stressful days. The first beta, drawn at 9dp5dt was lower than we expected at only 40. That’s still a viable number, but on the very low end of the spectrum. The IPs and I were very worried about a possible miscarriage. But what matters the most isn’t the first number, it’s how long it takes to double. Ideally, the number should double within 48-72 hours. Today my second beta came back at 11dp5dt, it was 84. The number doubled in 48 hours! What a wonderful sign. The numbers doubling in 48 hours is a great sign that our Emby is growing and healthy. So what’s next you ask? No more betas. The clinic will call me back on Monday with a time and date for a viability ultrasound. They like to do it around 7 weeks, so they said it should be the first week of July. We can’t wait to see Emby and make sure s/he is healthy!  And in the mean time, I’m going to enjoy knowing that there is a beautiful baby growing inside me (we’re sure it’s just one with such a low beta). I am so happy for my IPs!

Keep thinking of us, and send lots of sticky dust for this Emby to keep growing 💗🍀🌈

The Baker

My Eggo is Preggo!

Today marks 7dp5dt (7 days post 5 day transfer). On day 5.5 I got the slightest hint of a BFP (big fat positive).

Today I got this.

There is no doubt about it, I am pregnant! IM is thrilled and shocked all at once. I don’t think she expected this to work. I am so happy for her, IF, and Big Sister. Of course this is early days still, and a BFP now does not guarantee a healthy baby in the end. So fingers crossed, send your good karma our way. For now we want to see a good beta (pregnancy blood test) number on Thursday. If all goes well beta will be repeated on Saturday, and numbers should double. Please keep us in your thoughts!

The Baker

Stick Little Embies, Stick!

This morning two little embryos were placed into my care. We had originally hoped to transfer one, but the embies were a little slow to grow – although they looked perfect! So in the end we decided on two. Dr Havelock gives us a 50-60% chance of pregnancy and 10-20% chance of twins. All we can do now is sit back and wait, and hope that at least one (preferably one, but we’d be okay with two) of these little embies digs in and sticks around. I didn’t get any pics of the embryos – we were never shown any, and we forgot to get pics of me and the IPs together. But here’s a pic of me on the way to transfer:

Also, my lovely IM gave me this:


She has a matching charm on her bedside table 💜 After transfer my IPs took me out to lunch at Earls. It was so nice to get to chat with them for a while.

I really do feel so very positive about this. I really believe we will end this journey with a beautiful baby for my awesome IPs.  For now I will try to relax as much as possible, and think sticky thoughts. Happy transfer day!

The Baker