Surprise! Baby is here!

Well a certain little girl was very anxious to make her arrival into this world and meet her mommy and daddy. On Friday January 22 at 36 weeks and 1 day pregnant, I woke up at 5:41 am to my water breaking spectacularly all over my bed. I have never delivered before 40 weeks, so this was quite a shock to me. I called IM while still lying in a puddle, and then got up to shower and get ready to come to the hospital. I didn’t even have my bag packed yet, so I was really unprepared. I arrived at the hospital shortly after 7 and checked in. I had had the group B swab taken on Wednesday, but the results were not back yet, so we had to assume that I was positive, and treat proactively. This meant that I had to receive IV antibiotics throughout labor, and that I was on a clock. Contractions had initially started on their own after my water broke, but they were mild and didn’t last long before going away altogether. So the decision was made to start pitocin. That was around 10am. My doctor came in to check me later, around 2pm. I was sitting at 2cm dilated, and contracting nicely, but the doctor noted that Baby’s heart rate was quite high. She ended up calling in the OB for a second opinion, and then things changed very quickly. The OB came in at 2:30, and after looking at the strip monitoring the baby I was given half an hour to see if things changed, and if not we were heading to c-section. She left the room, and my doctor started explaining to me what would happen in the OR. It was obvious at that point that no one expected a natural delivery to happen. At 3pm the OB came back and the decision was made. Baby had been tachycardic for 5 hours by then. If I was close to delivery they would have let us ride it out, but I was still at 2 cm, and looking at several hours to go. So I was prepped and moved into the OR. IM was allowed into the OR with me, but she was the only one allowed. IF, my doula, and the birth photographer waited outside. It was a very surreal experience. I felt like I hadn’t even had a chance to labor, and I think I was in a bit of shock that we had ended up in the OR so quickly – especially given that I’ve had three perfectly normal, healthy vaginal deliveries. I was so confident in my own body’s ability to deliver a baby that it never even occurred to me that I might end up in a c-section due to a baby in distress. The OR team let IM watch over the drape as they delivered the baby, and then she got to cut the cord. Baby girl was beautiful and healthy, and had perfect lungs, even 4 weeks early. She was 6lbs 13oz. I hear that I had a slight bleed in the OR, so it took a bit longer to put me back together, but I am okay, and baby is perfect. I lucked out to get a private room, which is great because it meant that IM was able to stay with me and Baby. IF and big sister stayed in a hotel near by. 

This whole journey has been an amazing experience from beginning to end. The last two days have been wonderful, watching mommy and daddy and big sister bonding with baby. There were lots of tears when it was time to say goodbye. Happy tears though ☺️ I could not have asked for a better experience. My heart is so full.  I won’t share pictures right now, as I need permission first, but I hope that I will be allowed to share the birth photos soon.

Keep watching for more 🙂

The Baker

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