Beautiful Heartbeat

Today was our long awaited ultrasound. At first I didn’t see a thing, which scared me, but then the doctor explained that he was checking my ovaries and Fallopian tubes first to rule out an ectopic pregnancy. Then he finally got around to my uterus, and we saw this sweet little Emby:

And a beautiful little heartbeat of 146 💓💓💓  the doctor took a quick peek around to make sure there wasn’t a twin hiding somewhere (there’s not). Emby is measuring at 7 weeks and 1 day, which is a little behind, but the doctor said that at this stage they are talking about being off by a fraction of a millimetre, and it’s almost impossible to get an accurate reading. He is not the least bit concerned. 

My IPs would like to do all the available screening and genetic tests, so I will be heading back to Vancouver again on Aug 7 for more bloodwork and another ultrasound. In the meantime, I have an appointment with my own doctor on Friday.

I am feeling pretty good right now. I get nauseous briefly in the mornings, and for a couple of hours each evening, but I’m not throwing up yet. And I’m tired. Really, really tired. But on the whole, I feel good. I am so happy for my IPs, and I can’t wait until they get to hold their precious little bundle!

The Baker

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