Surrogacy and Me

Surrogacy is something that I have thought about for many years. I always thought that it was such a wonderful, amazing thing to do. But I wasn’t sure that I could do it myself. I worried about how attached I might get to the baby(ies). But still, it lingered in my mind. Then, one of my friends became a surrogate mother. I followed her journey closely, and looked at the pictures in awe. She helped to create a beautiful family. And her IPs (intended parents) were over the moon happy. From then on, surrogacy was never far from my mind. My friend has now delivered three babies for the same IPs (twins and a singleton), another friend just recently delivered a singleton for her IPs, and another friend just got a BFP (Big Fat Positive) with her first surrogate pregnancy. 

Last summer, in 2014, surrogacy began to really weigh on my mind, a lot. I wanted to help someone make a family. My kids have given me so much pleasure, and I would just love to have a hand in helping someone else get that amazing joy out of life. In August I finally made up my mind. I knew for the first time that I was really done with my own family. Three kids is enough for me. But I want to be pregnant again, and I want to help create a family. As soon as I made the decision I knew it was right. It gives me great joy to think I will be giving someone the gift of a baby. I no longer worry about becoming attached. The baby isn’t mine. It will have no genetic link to me at all. I’m Just The Baker.

I have been in contact with an amazing couple since September 2014. They have been through hell and back in their journey for a baby, and I cannot wait to help them complete their family. We met in person for the first time this weekend, and hit it off right away.  IM was amazing, and IF was great too. I was so nervous to meet them, but all went well and smoothly. We had a wonderful 2.5 hour visit, and I met their 5 year old daughter too. IM cried a few times, and I had to hold back the tears as well. They have been through so much. I need to give them their happy ending. 

Just tonight, IM emailed me to say that we are going to go ahead with the medical screening to make sure I am a good candidate to be a GS (gestational surrogate). We have an appointment booked for March 17, 2015 – the earliest she could get me in. I am excited, but nervous too. I have no reason to think I won’t pass screening, but it is nerve wracking. I don’t want to disappoint my IPs if it does not go through. Wish me luck!

The Baker

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