First trimester screening

Today we had our long-awaited first trimester screening. This meant yet another trip to Vancouver for me. I decided not to bring the kidlets, which was a good idea, because we spent many hours sitting and waiting. The ferry ride over was uneventful, but driving to the Clinic was very slow. I sure am glad I don’t live in Vancouver! I arrived at the clinic at 11:50am. They had us in for bloodwork by 12:15. Three big vials, two of which are being sent off to California for the NIPT test (non invasive prenatal testing). Then we sat around and waited. And waited… And waited… Finally got called in for our ultrasound around 1:30. I am so very happy to report that Emby is doing great!! There were no markers to show any risks for Down Syndrome, or any of the other Trisomies. Emby’s heartbeat was a whopping 186, probay because this is one very active little baby! S/he was doing back flips throughout the ultrasound. It was quite amazing to see.  Here’s a very blurry pic – simply because Emby was flipping when he snapped it!

It’s hard to tell, but the head is on the right.  

After the ultrasound we were sent back to the waiting room to wait some more for our turn to see the genetic counsellor. We didn’t get in to see her until about 2:45! But it was worth the wait, because she had the great news to tell us that Emby is looking amazing! It was such a relief for my IPs to hear.

By the time I got out of there it was about 3 pm. I decided that since it is a Friday night I had better head straight to the ferries rather than going to lunch with my IPs. But first they had a surprise for me! IF went to his car, and came back with an air conditioner for my house! What a sweet couple I have found to go on this journey with. It was so sweet I laughed, and then I cried. I could not have found a more amazing couple. Hugs went out all around and then I headed to the ferries. Being a Friday in August, there was a big wait. I got to the ferries at 4, and just boarded the 6pm ferry home. I should be home around 8 tonight, just in time to tuck my kidlets into bed. It’s been a long day, but so worth it! I now officially done seeing the RE, and will be sticking with my own doctors from here on out. That means a doctors appointment next Friday, at which time we will also ask for a referral to an OB, as IM would like me to see one, as well as my own doctor. The RE has recommended that we do extra ultrasounds at weeks 24,28 and 36 due to IM’s history. So we will try to get that going.

Have a great weekend! I know I will!

The Baker

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