Hello Second Trimester

Today I am 13 weeks and 2 days pregnant. I saw my doctor yesterday and she says that I am officially in the second trimester! The genetic testing that we had done last week has all come back now. We knew right after the ultrasound that things looked great, but it was awesome to get the blood tests back and hear that baby is healthy and well! The tests came back with less than a 0.01% chance of any of the Trisomies. They also tested the sex chromosomes, which we are told came back perfect. The fertility clinic now knows the gender of the baby, but my IPs would like it to be a surprise, so the report that we received was censored to take out the gender. My doctor was disappointed that she also received a censored report! If my IPs change their mind about knowing the gender at any point during the pregnancy, they can call the fertility clinic to ask, as they will always have it on file. 
My IM met my doctor for the first time yesterday, and I think for the most part it went well. My doctor is the sweetest person. She is very caring, and I have always gotten along with her well. But I was worried because I knew that IM wanted me to see an OB because of the complications that she had in her own pregnancies. My doctor was able to explain to her that things are different here. We have a shortage of doctors on the island, and as a result, there are only 6 OBs in the entire city of about 350,000 people. So none of the OBs here do primary care for pregnancies. It’s just not feasible. Patients see doctors or midwives, and if the pregnancy is high risk they can see a perinatalogist as well, but they are in addition to the regular maternity doctor. And there is always an OB on the maternity ward at the hospital. So my doctor is referring us to a perinatalogist for a consult, based on IMs history. But she also told me that based on the results of the genetic testing, and the fact that we have now reached the second trimester, the chances of loss at this point are less than 1%. She believes this pregnancy will progress normally and well from here on out.
We have asked for extra ultrasounds during this pregnancy, because of IMs history, and my doctor has agreed. Our next ultrasound will be the anatomy ultrasound at 19 weeks. After that we will have scans approximately once a month until Emby is born! I am grateful to my doctor for being accommodating, and relieved that I will get to keep her as my primary care physician during this pregnancy. 
I have been feeling really well so far in this pregnancy. I’ve had a few random bouts of puking, and can’t handle certain food textures any more, but for the most part I feel great. I’ve been tired, and my boobs are sore, but I’ve barely had any morning sickness, and barely any heartburn. I often just don’t feel pregnant at all. I’m glad that I have my Doppler to hear that heartbeat, or sometimes I would think this is all a crazy dream! 
Have a wonderful weekend.
The Baker

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