16 Weeks

Today marks 16 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I still have a hard time believing that this is really happening! I have had a little more morning sickness in the second trimester so far, but still nothing to get worked up over. I just have to make sure that I don’t get too hungry, or it comes on fast. But it never lasts long, and it’s not so bad. I am feeling Emby moving more often now, but my placenta is right smack in front, so it is harder to notice. I feel it most often if I am sitting or lying still and quiet, and especially if something is putting slight pressure on my belly. I still listen to Emby’s heartbeat with the Doppler every night, and will continue to do so until I can feel him/her moving regularly through the day. S/he must be growing like crazy though, I think I have finally popped!

Definitely starting to look pregnant… But still oh so flabby. I had way more belly fat when I started this journey than I did when I was pregnant with my own kiddos, and I can sure tell. As pregnant as I may look standing still, as soon as I start walking, or sit down it’s all still just jiggly fat. Sometimes I wonder if my belly will ever get truly hard and pregnant looking. I hope so – my poor IPs will never feel the baby kicking through all my blubber!

Not much has been going on pregnancy related lately. My kids and I have just gotten home from a week away at a nearby resort, which was lovely. This month will be full of pregnancy appointments moving forward though! I have an appointment with my maternity doctor on September 10, an appointment with a perinatologist on Sept 18 to see if this pregnancy is high risk due to the genetic factors of the parents, and an anatomy ultrasound on Sept 24. Busy, busy, busy!

That’s all for now 🙂

The Baker

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